Monday, February 3, 2014

Crumpled Leaning Tower of Pisa

My first attempt at 123D was not a success.  I used the browser option on my Mac and it never saved.  It gave me the progress bar for hours.  I learned that the program is counter intuitive.  I wanted to use matte base but busier patterns work better.  I also thought that the more pictures the better but less pictures seemed to work with the program better.

Saturday, February 1, 2014


After Joe mentioned the Home Depot city, I knew that's the route I wanted to go.  I hope that 72 year old Erin won't give into commercialism by living in a Home Depot city, but I do think that there is a slight chance I would be in Federal Prison for illegally downloading movies.  In this future, Google now runs the Bureau of Prisons.  Prisoners do not get the luxury of hair because Google chooses to tattoo bar codes on all prisoners scalps.  The four Google colors indicate the security levels.  Red means the prison committed a violent crime, Blue means they committed a sexual crime, Green means they stole or laundered money, and Yellow means they committed internet fraud.