My projector video demonstrated the ridiculous greed behind the good ideals of Christmas. I utlized clips from Target and Kmart commercials, music videos, Elf, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, Keeping Up with the Kardashians Christmas Special and home videos of selfish children. Combined these videos display the ignorant consumerism that surrounds the holiday season. Once the film was projected the sound melded with the other Christmas sounds but the images still displayed the marketing strategies used starting before Black Friday.
Emma and I decided to team up on our Marclay/Tinguely project. We knew that the science behind playing a record wasn't going to work in our favor so we went the natural sound route. We used a skill saw to cut up 16 vinyl records and use the pieces to create a giant record. The image below reveals our first step in the process.
We then strung the pieces onto fishing line and hung them onto a frame that we built. It took 8 hours to string the pieces plus the time it took to cut the records and build the frame. The resulting look was a unique wind chime/vinyl chandelier combination.
This picture is from underneath the chandelier.
This was the presented piece on display at the Marclay/Tinguely event.
Edited Vinyl
The technique I used to create my homemade record involved sawing two records at the same time. I taped my two records together and then used a band saw to cut out 4 little triangles. The resulting sound is mostly christmas carol music with miniscule moments of piano, infused with the natural record skipping. I decided to call my record Ctrl+X Ctrl+V.
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